
    Who we are

    Trendy Digests is your daily dose of trending stories to know what's happening in the world.

    At Trendy Digests, we’re dedicated to bringing you the latest news, the hottest trends, and the deepest insights from every corner of the globe. From the fast-paced world of politics to the glittering lights of entertainment, the cutting-edge of technology, the dynamic realm of business, or the vibrant tapestry of lifestyle – we’ve got it all. Our content is crafted to engage and inform a diverse, worldwide audience. So whether you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve or simply want to keep up with what’s trending, Trendy Digests is here for you. Trendy Digests: Where staying trendy means staying informed.

    About Trendy Digests, LLC

    Trendy Digests , LLC was registered at 3/25/2023, Oklahoma, USA

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    Meet our professional

    Editor Team

    Leo Parker

    Principal Editor

    I'm a writer specializing in technology, keeping up with the latest trends and innovations in the digital realm. My articles cover a wide range of topics, including the newest gadgets, innovative startups, cutting-edge research, and the hottest apps.

    Arabella Astor

    Senior Editor

    I'm a 26-year-old editor with a passion for written communication. With a keen eye for detail and an innate ability to craft compelling narratives, I specialize in refining content to meet the highest editorial standards. I have experience working with a variety of formats, including academic articles, creative writing, and marketing materials. My dedication to clear and concise writing has earned me a reputation for producing high-quality content that resonates with readers. Whether my proofreading for typos or developing content from scratch, my commitment to excellence makes me an asset to any team.

    Joyce Sundy

    Senior Editor

    I'm a senior news editor at Trendy Digest, a leading online news and analysis platform covering a variety of topics from politics to business to culture. I am passionate about providing readers with accurate, timely, and engaging reporting and have recently been interested in writing critical articles, editorials, etc.

    Isaac Jones

    Principal Editor

    Since 2023, I have been associated with Trendy Digests, where I have authored articles covering a wide range of topics including the COVID-19 pandemic, the US presidential election, the Brexit negotiations, and the Myanmar coup. My ultimate goal is to deliver exceptional and unique content that resonates with my audience.

    Noah Smith


    I am a journalist who focuses on entertainment news for Trendy Digests. I have extensive knowledge in various areas, such as the latest Hollywood movies, popular TV shows, top music artists, and influential celebrities.

    Ethan Brown

    Senior Editor

    As a seasoned editor at Trendy Digests, I specialize in providing comprehensive coverage on geopolitics. My role involves delivering captivating content on lifestyle, entertainment, and culture. Throughout my career, I have extensively reported on significant events including the Iran nuclear deal, the aftermath of Brexit, and the North Korea summit.

    Jacob Miler

    Senior Editor

    I am a journalist who covers politics for Trendy Digest. I have reported on topics such as the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the COVID-19 relief bill, and the Supreme Court nominations. I love the content editing industry because it enables me to inform and educate the public about the issues that matter.

    Ava Chen

    Senior Editor

    As a seasoned editor specializing in "Uplifting News" at Trendy Digests, I have had the privilege of reporting on remarkable stories that inspire hope and positivity. From the heartwarming rescue of a stranded whale to the generous donation of a million masks, the recovery of a stolen painting, and the heartwrenching reunion of a long-lost family, I have covered a diverse range of uplifting events. With a degree from the esteemed University of Texas-Austin, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my role as a senior editor.

    Saila Lewis


    I have been working as a news editor for 3 years now, gaining valuable experience in the field. My expertise lies in editing cultural and entertainment content, where I strive for excellence. Additionally, I am highly attentive to the advancements in new media and possess the skills to effectively promote news content on different social media platforms. My aim is to enhance brand exposure and engage with a wider audience.

    Jade Harper

    Senior Editor

    I work as a technology news editor for Trendy Digests, a well-known online magazine that delves into the latest trends and innovations across different industries. My love for journalism fuels my passion to craft stories that not only inform but also ignite inspiration among readers.

    Mia Lee


    As a reporter for Trendy Digests, my focus is on covering futurology. Throughout my career, I have delved into various topics including the future of work, education, health, and travel. Now, I continue to contribute to Trendy Digests by providing insightful coverage on the exciting prospects that lie ahead.

    Zoe Wilson

    Senior Editor

    I have a deep love for journalism and a strong desire to share the latest news with the world. Over the past five years, I have had the privilege of working in different media organizations, where I have covered a wide range of subjects including politics, business, and technology.

    Emma Taylor

    Senior Editor

    I am a senior editor who covers culture and history stories for Trendy Digests. I have reported on facts such as the origin of the word "quarantine", the reason why flamingos are pink, the difference between a meteor and a meteorite, and the history of the chocolate chip cookie.

    Lily Green


    I’m Lily Green, a media editor who is passionate about the environment, climate change and biodiversity. I cover stories that highlight the impacts of global warming on ecosystems and wildlife, as well as the solutions and innovations that can help us create a more sustainable future. I also enjoy photography, hiking and birdwatching in my spare time.