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    Leidos and Elroy Air Gear Up to Showcase Revolutionary Chaparral Cargo Drone to US Military

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    The U.S. military is on the cusp of witnessing a game-changing demonstration in autonomous aerial resupply capabilities. Defense contractor Leidos, in collaboration with pioneering autonomous aircraft developer Elroy Air, has received the green light to conduct a flight test of an innovative cargo drone prototype. This event, slated for July at the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Grounds in Arizona, stands as a pivotal showcase of advanced unmanned aerial technology for the Small Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) program office of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

    Tim Freeman, senior vice president and business area manager of airborne systems for Leidos, underscored the significance of this undertaking, articulating that “the partners will showcase the aircraft’s capabilities for other branches of the military as well.” This declaration points to an extensive, inter-service interest in the technology that could redefine logistical support on the battlefield.

    The centerpiece of this demonstration is Elroy Air’s Chaparral system. Described as a lift-plus-cruise, hybrid-electric vertical takeoff and landing (hVTOL) cargo aircraft, Chaparral’s design is tailored to fulfill a spectrum of applications, including commercial logistics, industrial cargo transport, humanitarian aid, and notably, military resupply missions. In a testament to its innovative approach, the Chaparral system is reported to have achieved the world’s first flight for an aircraft of its type in November 2023.

    Functionality and efficiency are at the heart of Chaparral’s operational blueprint. The aircraft boasts a unique combination of distributed electric propulsion and a turbine-based generator fueled by an unspecified liquid gas. This configuration endows the Chaparral with eight vertical and four forward propellers, complemented by fixed wings for cruising, resulting in a purported energy density and range superior to those of pure electric counterparts.

    With an impressive 300 sm (260 nm) range and cruising speed of 125 knots, the Chaparral’s dimensions—over 19 feet long with a 26-foot wingspan—are surprisingly adaptable. The system can be restructured to fit within a 40-foot shipping container, allowing for strategic transport and deployment. It also features modular cargo pods designed to carry loads of up to 300 pounds.

    Elroy Air has solidified its commitment to the Chaparral program through the acquisition of three development and testing contracts with AFWERX and a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with U.S. Special Operations Command. The year 2023 marked a milestone with the successful completion of autonomous cargo handling and delivery demonstrations at Travis Air Force Base, showcasing the Chaparral’s robust autonomous capabilities.

    The Chaparral’s candidacy for the military’s Medium Aerial Resupply Vehicle-Expeditionary Logistics (MARV-EL) program suggests its potential to become the “middle-weight” unmanned logistics asset, as described by the Naval Air Systems Command, intended to sustain combat operations in scenarios where traditional ground or manned aviation support is compromised.

    Moreover, Elroy Air’s strategic formation of a Defense Advisory Board, composed of esteemed former U.S. military officials from multiple branches, signifies its intention to cement Chaparral’s role within future defense acquisitions. This move indicates the company’s awareness of the critical intersection between military expertise and technological innovation.

    Relevant articles:
    Leidos Team to Demo Cargo Drone Prototype for US Navy, Marines , The Defense Post, 05/17/2024
    U.S. Marines to Get Autonomous Cargo Drone Demo This Summer, FLYING, 05/14/2024

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