    HomeNewsFears Escalate as Russia’s New Offensive in Ukraine Threatens Second-Largest City Kharkiv

    Fears Escalate as Russia’s New Offensive in Ukraine Threatens Second-Largest City Kharkiv

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    The war in Ukraine, now over two years long, continues to intensify as Russia opens a new front in the northeast, pushing closer to the strategic city of Kharkiv. Despite this, the surge of U.S. weapons and Ukraine’s defense efforts have made it unlikely that a significant breakthrough will occur, according to U.S. officials and military analysts.

    As Russian forces claw back miles of terrain, the citizens of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, brace themselves for increased shelling and potential encroachment. The offensive has sparked a mix of anger and determination among the residents and the defending Ukrainian forces. The situation in Kharkiv is precarious, with a U.S. official noting that while a major Russian breakthrough appears unlikely, the Ukrainian morale and manpower remain concerns after relentless fighting and limited reinforcements.

    Ukrainian troops, reinforced by a new package of U.S. military aid, are expected to limit Russian gains. Military research fellow Mykola Bielieskov stated, “the renewed presence of Russian troops in northern Ukraine marks a significant escalation in the war,” although he downplayed suggestions that Kharkiv was close to being captured, terming such claims as going “way too far.”

    The Russian offensive, described as advancing about two to five miles in Ukraine’s northeast, mostly over open terrain, has not yet hit Ukraine’s first defense line. This advancement, nonetheless, raises alarms, suggesting Russia aims to establish a buffer zone in northeastern Ukraine, potentially putting Kharkiv within the range of Russian artillery.

    In addition to the military challenges, a controversial new mobilization law has come into force in Ukraine, aiming to boost troop numbers and provide incentives to soldiers. Despite the pressures and the divisive nature of the law, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has also signed legislation allowing prisoners to join the army and increased fines for draft dodgers. However, concerns have risen about the potential impact on essential services and the psychological state of soldiers uncertain about demobilization.

    As Russian troops make incremental gains, Ukraine also faces the dilemma of using Western-supplied weapons. Restrictions imposed by Kyiv’s partners prevent these arms from being used to strike targets inside Russia, an issue that has drawn criticism as it hampers Ukraine’s ability to preemptively target Russian forces.

    The Institute for the Study of War has noted a decrease in the tempo of Russian offensive operations after initial gains in the Kharkiv region. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, highlighting the fighting around Kharkiv, has warned of a potentially “nonsensical” situation, where the support Ukraine receives is enough to continue the fight but not to secure victory. As Russia pushes forward, Zelenskyy calls for fair peace and more military aid, including air defense systems and fighter jets, to achieve some level of parity with Russia’s capabilities.

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    Zelenskyy warns Russia’s Kharkiv offensive may only be ‘first wave’, Al Jazeera English, 05/18/2024
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