    HomeNewsMichigan GOP Senate Hopefuls Ensnared in Signature Forgery Probe

    Michigan GOP Senate Hopefuls Ensnared in Signature Forgery Probe

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    Michigan Democrats have leveled serious allegations against several Republican U.S. Senate candidates, accusing them of submitting fraudulent signatures to secure their place on the ballot. The controversy has reignited concerns about election integrity and the potential for forgery in a state that remains sharply divided politically.

    The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the Michigan Democratic Party chairwoman Lavora Barnes have urged the Board of State Canvassers to investigate claims of forgery and other fraudulent signature-gathering tactics involving the petitions of Mike Rogers, Justin Amash, Sandy Pensler, and the former candidate Peter Meijer. According to the Michigan Democratic Party, there are “patterns that indicate the presence of potential forgery and other fraudulent signature gathering tactics.”

    In a state still reeling from the 2022 gubernatorial primary where five Republican candidates were removed from the ballot due to forged signatures, these allegations carry the weight of recent precedent. With Michigan poised as a critical battleground state in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, the integrity of its election processes is under national scrutiny.

    Chris Gustafson, the communications director for Mike Rogers’ campaign, vehemently dismissed the allegations as an “antidemocratic stunt” similar to “the same failed unlawful efforts to subvert democracy that they tried to use against President Trump.” Likewise, Stu Sandler, adviser to Sandy Pensler, criticized the Democrats’ move, asserting that it is a tactic since “Democrats can’t beat Republicans at the ballot box.”

    Despite these counterclaims, the Democrats argue that the Board of State Canvassers holds the responsibility to ensure all candidates meet the legal threshold of 15,000 valid signatures from Michigan voters. Their letter highlights troubling patterns, including petition sheets that appeared to be filled out by a single person, voters’ names appearing across multiple petitions in different handwriting, and mismatches in petition circulator handwriting.

    The controversy has also touched Democratic Representative Elissa Slotkin, a frontrunner for the Senate nomination, who faces her own challenge over signatures. Her campaign has dismissed the objections as “unserious,” insisting that the number of contested signatures would not be enough to impact her ballot status.

    Michigan’s U.S. Senate race is particularly significant given the retirement of Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow, which opens a seat both parties are eager to claim. The allegations have cast a shadow over the Republican primary candidates, particularly frontrunner Mike Rogers, who has submitted the maximum of 30,000 signatures. To invalidate his candidacy, half of these signatures would need to be deemed fraudulent.

    Relevant articles:
    Republicans Accused of Forging Ballot Signatures in Critical Swing State, Newsweek, 05/19/2024
    Dems allege forgery, fraud on GOP petitions for Michigan U.S. Senate seat, Bridge Michigan, 05/17/2024
    Potential signature fraud in Michigan threatens to disrupt U.S. House, Senate races, CBS News, 05/17/2024
    Michigan Republicans’ Senate nominee petitions ‘infected’ with fake signatures: complaint, Raw Story, 05/17/2024
    Democrats request investigation into GOP U.S. Senate candidate petitions • Michigan Advance, Michigan Advance, 05/17/2024

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    1. ““Democrats can’t beat Republicans at the ballot box.” uhhh, R’s lost BOTH houses and the governorship in 2022. Typical Magat BS.

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