    HomeNewsNetherlands Charts a New Path with Hard-Right Government Coalition

    Netherlands Charts a New Path with Hard-Right Government Coalition

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    In a landmark political shift, the Netherlands has veered sharply to the right with the formation of a new government coalition dominated by Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom. After months of complex negotiations, Wilders, along with leaders from three other parties, have reached an agreement that is set to introduce the country’s strictest ever policies on asylum and immigration.

    The coalition deal, described by Wilders as “Hope, courage and pride,” articulates a strong stance against family reunification for refugees and calls for a reduction in the number of international students. Central to the agreement is the policy on deportation, with the coalition document stating, “Deport people without a valid residence permit as much as possible, even forcibly.”

    “We are writing history today,” Wilders asserted, confident in the new direction he has secured for the Netherlands, “It is the strongest asylum policy ever.”

    This shift is not unique to the Netherlands but resonates with a broader rise of hard-right and populist parties across the European Union, where they are now part of or lead governments in multiple member states. The coalition in the Netherlands appears poised to make gains in the upcoming European Parliament elections, as Wilders aligns himself with other radical right and populist leaders, including Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni.

    Despite Wilders’ significant role in shaping the coalition’s agenda, he has relinquished the chance to become the country’s prime minister, with parties yet to agree on a figurehead, expected to be a technocrat outside the traditional party structures. Speculation around the prime ministerial role has focused on Ronald Plasterk, a notable figure from the Labor Party, reflecting the coalition’s multifaceted composition.

    Among the coalition’s priorities are existing commitments to climate change, including financial support for a climate change fund, and concessions to the Farmers Citizens Movement. Meanwhile, the agreement also covers social housing, stricter sentencing for serious crimes, support for Ukraine, and a commitment to meet NATO defense spending targets.

    However, the coalition has expressed critical views on the EU’s expansion, particularly concerning the accession of Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. This stance comes at a time when many EU nations are advocating for enlargement, a process requiring unanimous agreement from existing member states.

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    Dutch right-wing parties strike deal to form coalition government, Yahoo News Canada, 05/17/2024
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