    HomeNewsBipartisan Lawmakers Press Biden to Authorize Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Territory

    Bipartisan Lawmakers Press Biden to Authorize Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Territory

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    A bipartisan coalition of U.S. congressmen is urging President Joe Biden to permit Ukraine to utilize American-provided weaponry to conduct strategic strikes on Russian territory, a move they argue is crucial for Ukraine’s defense against ongoing Russian aggression. In a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the lawmakers contended that current U.S. policy is restricting Ukraine’s military capabilities and called for an urgent revision.

    “Our Ukrainian allies are requesting permission to use certain weapons provided by the United States to conduct operations on strategic targets inside Russian and Russian-controlled territory. … It is essential the Biden Administration allows Ukraine’s military leaders an ability to conduct a full spectrum of operations necessary to respond to Russia’s unprovoked attack on their sovereign land,” read the letter, which was signed by 13 members of Congress.

    This appeal comes amidst heightened concerns about the deteriorating situation on the ground in Ukraine. Ukrainian officials have reportedly stated that the situation is “worse than ever,” highlighting the need for more robust military support from their Western allies.

    The lawmakers argue that the restrictions imposed by the Biden administration are “handcuffing Ukraine’s ability to push back on Russian forces near Kharkiv with U.S.-origin weapons.” They emphasize that allowing Ukraine to strike within Russian territory could be pivotal in disrupting Russian military operations and safeguarding Ukrainian sovereignty.

    The letter also underscores the urgent need for additional military resources, including more trained pilots for the F-16 fighter jets being supplied to Ukraine and enhanced air defense systems. The U.S. Air Force has projected that only 12 Ukrainian pilots will complete F-16 training by the end of 2024, a number the congressmen deem insufficient given the intensity of the conflict.

    “Graduating 12 Ukrainian pilots is simply insufficient. Ukraine is at war, and slots for Ukraine must be prioritized over other foreign countries,” the lawmakers insisted. Additionally, they called for the provision of seven more Patriot missile defense batteries to protect major urban areas in Ukraine from relentless Russian missile attacks.

    Despite these pleas, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated after the recent Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting that the White House maintains its stance against permitting Ukraine to use American weapons for strikes within Russia. Austin stated that the U.S. expects Ukraine to “continue to use the weapons that [the US] provided on targets inside of Ukraine.”

    Nonetheless, there are voices within the U.S. administration that appear more sympathetic to the Ukrainian position. Former Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has suggested that Russian border positions are legitimate targets and has advocated for greater U.S. support to enable Ukraine to strike bases within Russian territory.

    The congressional appeal is spearheaded by prominent members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, including Congressman Gerry Connolly, Congressman Mike Turner, and Congressman Jim Himes. The broad support for the letter, which features signatories from both political parties, underscores a growing bipartisan consensus on the need for a more aggressive U.S. stance in support of Ukraine.

    As the situation in Ukraine continues to evolve, the Biden administration faces increasing pressure to reassess its policies and consider more assertive measures to aid Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression. Whether these congressional calls will influence a policy shift remains to be seen.

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