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    Florida Meteorologist Slams DeSantis for Regressive Stance on Climate Law Amid Record Heat

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    A Florida meteorologist’s vehement criticism of a new state law that retreats from climate change considerations is resonating across the state as it grapples with record-breaking heat. Steve MacLaughlin, a meteorologist from NBC 6 News in Miami, took to social media to express his disappointment with Governor Ron DeSantis’s decision to sign a bill that, among other changes, purged most references to climate change from state law.

    In a video that has since gone viral, MacLaughlin highlighted the stark reality facing Floridians: record heat, flooding, and unaffordable living due to escalating insurance rates. “Don’t say Climate Change! As Florida is on fire, underwater and unaffordable, our state government is rolling back climate change legislation and language,” MacLaughlin stated, pointing out that despite Florida experiencing its warmest year on record since 1895, the state government has signaled a shift away from prioritizing climate change.

    The contentious bill, which is set to take effect in July, rolls back numerous climate change considerations and language from state statutes. It has sparked concerns for its provisions that make the approval of natural gas pipelines easier, prohibit offshore wind turbines within state waters, and eliminate language that enables state officials to set renewable energy goals.

    DeSantis has defended the legislation as a move towards “restoring sanity in our approach to energy” and a rejection of what he describes as the “agenda of the radical green zealots.” But his stance has put him at odds with environmental advocates and scientists who argue that Florida, with its vulnerable coastal ecosystems and increasing threat from sea level rise, should be at the forefront of climate leadership.

    MacLaughlin refrained from endorsing any political candidates but urged Floridians to use their vote as a tool for climate change solutions, advising them to “do [their] research” before heading to the polls. “The most powerful climate change solution is the one you already have in the palm of your hands: the right to vote,” he advised, emphasizing the difference between candidates who acknowledge climate change and those who do not.

    His remarks have resonated with other meteorologists and climate communicators, who often face harassment for linking weather events to climate change. Jeff Berardelli, the chief meteorologist at WFLA in Tampa Bay, praised MacLaughlin for his boldness, saying, “This is not an easy statement for a meteorologist to make, as there is a lot of pressure to not wade into these climate waters.”

    MacLaughlin’s criticism underscores a broader tension in the national discourse on climate policy. As some states and the federal government push for more aggressive action on climate change, others, like Florida under DeSantis’s leadership, are moving in the opposite direction. The law’s implications extend beyond Florida, as the state’s significant environmental challenges make it a case study in the efficacy and consequences of climate policy in the United States.

    Relevant articles:
    TV meteorologist blasts Florida’s new law that deleted most references to climate change, CNN, 05/22/2024
    TV meteorologist blasts Florida’s new climate law, CNN, 05/22/2024
    TV weatherman criticizes Florida’s newly enacted “Climate Change Silence Law” amid scorching temperatures.,, 05/21/2024

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