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    North Korea Accuses US of ‘Nuclear Threat’ After Subcritical Test, Vows to Bolster Deterrence

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    North Korea has leveled accusations of hypocrisy and “dangerous acts” against the United States following a subcritical nuclear test conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) at the Nevada National Security Site. The test, which did not result in a nuclear explosion or trigger a fissile chain reaction, was part of efforts by the United States to collect data on the reliability and effectiveness of nuclear warheads.

    The NNSA has stated that the increase in the frequency of these subcritical experiments aims to gather more data on nuclear weapons materials without the need to resume explosive testing. The United States has maintained a moratorium on explosive nuclear tests since 1992.

    In a statement released by North Korea’s foreign ministry on Monday, the country condemned the U.S. action, asserting that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea “will not allow a strategic imbalance and security vacuum to be created on the Korean peninsula.” North Korea regards the U.S. test as an indication of strategic instability in the region and a unilateral action that compels them to reevaluate their nuclear deterrence posture “within the range of its vested sovereign right and possible options,” according to KCNA, the country’s state news agency.

    North Korea highlighted that the United States, as the nation with the most nuclear tests in history, has no authority to critique other countries’ nuclear capabilities. The North Korean ministry further cited the deployment of nuclear-capable submarines by the U.S. to South Korea in the previous year and the plans for “an actual nuclear operation exercise” with South Korea in August as evidence of escalating U.S. nuclear threats.

    The planned joint military exercises, simulating a response to a potential use of a nuclear weapon by Pyongyang, have been criticized by North Korea, which has warned of a “catastrophic aftermath” should they proceed. Pyongyang has made it clear that it intends to “thoroughly” defend its rights and interests in the face of these perceived threats.

    North Korea, which has conducted six nuclear tests between 2006 and 2017 and has abandoned its non-first-use policy, has increased the frequency of its ballistic missile tests, including those purportedly able to be fitted with nuclear warheads.

    The international community, including South Korea, Japan, and the United States, remains deeply concerned over North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. They have called for stronger enforcement of United Nations Security Council sanctions aimed at halting Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear programs. Moreover, the three countries have agreed to bolster their trilateral cooperation to counter North Korea’s threats.

    Despite former South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s recollection of Kim Jong Un’s alleged commitment to denuclearization during their summit in 2018, analysts remain skeptical. Hong Min, a senior research fellow at the Korea Institute of National Unification, conveyed to NK News that Kim Jong Un’s past statements about denuclearization were likely a strategic maneuver while continuing to progress the country’s nuclear capabilities.

    Relevant articles:
    North Korea Reacts to ‘Nuclear Threat’ From US, Newsweek, 05/22/2024
    North Korea to boost nuclear deterrence after US ‘subcritical’ test: Report, Hindustan Times, 05/19/2024

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