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    Russia’s Assault on Ukraine’s Power Grid: A Calculated Tactic to Pressure Civilians Ahead of Winter

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    In recent weeks, Ukraine has been beleaguered by a relentless barrage of Russian attacks, targeting its power grid and plunging cities into darkness. This onslaught has compelled Ukrainian officials to enact nationwide rolling blackouts, a pre-emptive measure against what could spiral into a severe crisis as summer peaks and winter looms.

    Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital once spared from blackouts since the early months of conflict, has seen its largest thermal power plant crippled by an April offensive. A subsequent and sizable attack on May 8 further damaged power generation and transmission facilities across several regions, halving the nation’s energy system, according to Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

    The consequence of these assaults is palpable on the streets of Kyiv, where apartment blocks languish without power, leaving at least 10% of the populace disconnected. This scenario paints a foreboding picture of the cold and darkness that could ensue if alternative sources of electricity are not secured.

    Even cities like Sumy, in northern Ukraine, have not been spared. A predawn drone strike rendered the city powerless until emergency restoration efforts brought some relief. Yet, with the unabating strikes and a glaring absence of adequate defense mechanisms, the path to restoring consistent electricity remains fraught with uncertainty. Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko candidly remarked, “With each attack, we lose additional power generation, so it just goes minus, minus, minus.”

    Ukraine’s energy woes are compounded by the damage inflicted upon its infrastructure. The April 11 assault on a central coal-fired plant decimated generators, transformers, and turbines essential for power generation. Such attacks cast doubt on the feasibility of repairs in the absence of military protection against subsequent strikes.

    The urgency of the situation has not been lost on international observers. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s visit to a ravaged plant highlighted the critical need for Ukraine to bridge its power deficit swiftly. The impending challenge will be the months of July and August, where consumption driven by summer heat could rival that of the harshest winter months.

    In mid-May, a cold snap increased consumption, prompting Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s main transmission system operator, to introduce controlled blackouts throughout the nation. The shortfall exceeds Ukraine’s capacity to import electricity from neighbors like Poland, Slovakia, and Romania.

    Yevhen Harkavyi, the technical director of Centerenergo, which operates the damaged plant, expressed the daunting task ahead: “The plan for winter is to restore power generation as much as possible. The situation is already too difficult.”

    In a bid to remedy this dire scenario, Ukraine seeks to acquire parts from long-decommissioned German plants, now obsolete due to EU environmental standards. Harkavyi recently led a Ukrainian delegation to Germany to evaluate the equipment’s viability.

    The twin challenges facing Ukraine are as clear as they are critical. Firstly, how to retrieve and utilize the available equipment; and secondly, how to secure active protection through additional air defense systems from global allies. It is a situation that underscores the nation’s vulnerability and its cry for support, as iterated by Harkavyi, “We hope that Mrs. Minister (Baerbock) has seen the scale of destruction and will do everything possible to call for help from the whole world.”

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    Ukraine plunged into darkness as Russia attacks power grid, Yahoo News UK, 05/22/2024
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