    HomeHistoryStrategic Blow: Ukrainian ATACMS Missiles Sink Russia's Newest Tsiklon Karakurt-class Corvette

    Strategic Blow: Ukrainian ATACMS Missiles Sink Russia’s Newest Tsiklon Karakurt-class Corvette

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    On May 19, 2024, a critical blow was dealt to the Russian Black Sea Fleet when Ukrainian forces launched a successful strike on the port of Sevastopol, leading to the sinking of the Project 22800 Karakurt class missile corvette Tsiklon. Confirmed by Russian military sources, the attack utilized two US-provided Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) missiles, marking a significant reduction in Russia’s naval capabilities in the region.

    The Tsiklon, with the serial number 801, was a relatively new addition to the fleet, having been laid down on July 26, 2016, at the Zalyv Shipbuilding yard in Kerch. After entering service on July 12, 2023, and commencing combat duty on August 22, 2023, it became part of the esteemed 41st Sevastopol Order of Nakhimov Brigade of Missile Ships and Boats. This brigade, with a history dating back to August 20, 1919, has transitioned through various classes of vessels and has been recognized for its operational excellence, once designated the best brigade in the Russian Navy in 2008.

    The sinking of Tsiklon is a continuation of the attrition of Russia’s naval presence in the Black Sea. Ukrainian forces have proven effective at targeting Russian naval assets, as evidenced by the sinking of the Moskva in April 2022 and the damaging of several other vessels throughout the conflict, such as the Saratov, the Tsesar Kunikov, the Novocherkassk, and the Rostov-on-Don. The cumulative impact of these losses has reduced the operational capabilities of the fleet and forced a strategic pullback of surface vessels to minimize further attrition.

    The Karakurt class, designed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau, is a notable series intended to complement the Project 21631 Buyan-M-class corvettes with more seaworthy, blue-water capabilities. The Karakurt corvettes are equipped with modern sensors and processing systems, including the Mineral-M radar and AESA-type radar, and are armed with formidable weaponry, such as the UKSK vertical launch system (VLS) cells capable of launching Kalibr or Oniks missiles, a 76.2 mm AK-176MA automatic dual-purpose gun, and either an AK-630M gun-based CIWS or the Pantsir-M air defense system.

    Despite international sanctions and supply chain issues, the construction of Karakurt-class ships has continued, with a total of 14 built so far and a planned class size of 18 ships. However, the Ukrainian strike on Tsiklon signifies not only the loss of a single vessel but, as Ukrainian navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk has indicated, likely the last cruise missile carrier in Crimea.

    Relevant articles:
    Russian sources confirm Tsiklon Karakurt-class missile ship was sunk b , Army Recognition, 05/22/2024
    Ukrainian Missiles Are Blowing Up The Black Sea Fleet’s New Missile Corvettes Faster Than Russia Can Build Them, Forbes, 05/21/2024
    Russia’s Black Sea Fleet ‘Likely’ Lost Its Last Missile Carrier in Crimea, Newsweek, 05/21/2024
    Ukraine destroys Tsyklon, Russia’s last surface Kalibr missile ship in occupied Crimea, Euromaidan Press, 05/21/2024
    Ukrainian military sinks Black Sea Fleet’s sole remaining corvette capable of firing cruise missiles — Novaya Gazeta Europe, Новая газета. Европа, 05/21/2024

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