    HomeNewsBaltic States Alarmed by Russian Plan to Redefine Maritime Borders

    Baltic States Alarmed by Russian Plan to Redefine Maritime Borders

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    In a sudden and alarming move, Russia’s defence ministry proposed redrawing its maritime borders in the Baltic Sea, sparking significant concerns among its neighbouring countries. The draft decree, which appeared on the government’s legal portal on Tuesday and has since been mysteriously deleted, suggested changes based on outdated nautical charts from 1985.

    This proposal drew immediate and fierce reactions from the Baltic states and Finland, who perceived it as a deliberate act of intimidation. Lithuania’s foreign ministry called it a “deliberate, targeted, escalatory provocation,” aimed at unsettling neighbouring nations and their societies. They emphasized that this was yet another instance of Russia’s aggressive and revisionist policies threatening regional security.

    The areas in question include the eastern Gulf of Finland, several islands close to the Finnish coast, and territories around Baltiysk and Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad exclave. However, the exact details of the territorial adjustments remain unclear, as the decree has now been scrubbed from the portal, with only a message indicating “draft deleted.”

    Finland’s Prime Minister Petteri Orpo assured that the country would remain calm and respond based on facts, emphasizing that no official communication had been made regarding the border changes. Finland’s defence and foreign committees convened emergency meetings to closely monitor the evolving situation.

    Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov attempted to downplay the situation, suggesting there was “nothing political” about the decree and attributing the need for changes to outdated borders from the 1980s. Yet, Peskov also acknowledged the heightened level of confrontation in the Baltic region.

    Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis took to social media, urging for a robust response from NATO and the EU, describing the move as an “obvious escalation.” The calls for vigilance were echoed by Sweden’s armed forces chief, Gen Micael Byden, who warned that Putin’s ultimate goal was to exert control over the Baltic Sea. He emphasized that the region should not become “Putin’s playground” where NATO members are threatened.

    Relevant articles:
    Baltic warning over Russian plan to move sea borders,, 05/23/2024
    Russia mysteriously deletes threat to redraw Baltic Sea border, POLITICO Europe, 05/22/2024

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