    HomeNewsBaltic States On High Alert As Russia Proposes Sea Border Revisions

    Baltic States On High Alert As Russia Proposes Sea Border Revisions

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    The Baltic region has been thrust into a state of vigilance following a draft Russian decree suggesting revisions to maritime borders in the Baltic Sea. The document, which has since been mysteriously deleted, proposed changes around Russian islands in the Gulf of Finland and near the exclave of Kaliningrad, sparking fears among NATO and EU member states bordering the area.

    Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland were quick to respond to the potential territorial adjustments. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis described the move as “an obvious escalation against Nato and the EU and must be met with an appropriately firm response.” Finland’s Prime Minister Petteri Orpo reassured that while they are “monitoring the situation closely.” “Right now I don’t see any reason for greater concern,” he said.

    The decree first appeared on Tuesday and cited the need to revise borders established in 1985 based on outdated nautical charts. While specifics on the exact territorial changes remained unclear, the proposal included the eastern Gulf of Finland and islands close to the Finnish coast, raising alarms about possible encroachments into Finnish and Lithuanian waters.

    The proposal’s deletion from the Russian government portal added an element of mystery and further fueled regional anxiety. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov attempted to downplay the geopolitical implications, stating, “There is nothing political here,” but acknowledging the heightened confrontation level, especially in the Baltic region. His remarks failed to assuage the concerns of Baltic leaders.

    Charly Salonius-Pasternak of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs interpreted the Russian approach as a familiar strategy of testing boundaries, suggesting that Moscow’s plan was meant to appear bureaucratic yet carried significant strategic underpinnings. However, it exemplified a typical Russian strategy of “probe everywhere and then if you get pushback, say it was nothing.”

    The Baltic States, NATO and EU members, expressed determination to protect their territorial integrity. Sweden, which joined NATO recently, voiced similar concerns, with its armed forces chief, Gen Micael Byden, highlighting the strategic significance of the Baltic Sea. He stressed, “Putin’s goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea.”

    Finland, which became a member of NATO last year, has unveiled intentions to hinder large numbers of asylum seekers from crossing its eastern border with Russia. Helsinki is concerned that Moscow may seek to exploit migration for its own purposes. The UN refugee agency has cautioned that the proposed legislation could lead to the expulsion of individuals legitimately entitled to seek asylum.

    Relevant articles:
    Baltic concerns over Russian plan to move sea borders, BBC, 05/22/2024
    Russia mysteriously deletes threat to redraw Baltic Sea border, POLITICO Europe, 05/22/2024
    Russia says no plans to revise Baltic Sea border amid concerns from NATO nations, Deccan Herald, 05/22/2024
    Ukraine updates: Russia Baltic Sea border claim sows ‘doubt’ – DW – 05, DW (English), 05/22/2024

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