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    Lithuanian Minister Backs Macron’s Proposal for NATO Troops in Ukraine, Defying Russian Warnings

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    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis has voiced strong support for French President Emmanuel Macron’s controversial proposal to deploy NATO forces in Ukraine, a move aimed at fortifying the country against escalating Russian aggression. The proposal, originally floated by Macron, has stirred a complex web of reactions across Europe and heightened tensions with Russia.

    In a recent interview with French television channel TF1, Landsbergis underscored his country’s readiness to participate in a coalition led by France. “Lithuania is ready to join a coalition led by, for example, France, which would carry out training on Ukrainian soil,” he stated. This endorsement highlights a growing alignment among Eastern European nations keen on taking a more proactive stance in the Ukraine conflict.

    Macron’s proposal suggests the deployment of NATO troops in non-combat roles within Ukraine to provide training and support. While the idea faced initial resistance, particularly from the United States, momentum has been building among European allies. Benjamin Haddad, a member of parliament for Macron’s Renaissance party, noted the increasing support for deeper NATO involvement during the Lennart Meri Conference in Estonia. Haddad noted that momentum is unmistakably growing for increased NATO commitments, including potential troop deployments, in Ukraine. He remarked, “It was interesting to see that in the first couple days, everyone said, ‘It’s an isolated position by France.'”

    The Lithuanian Foreign Minister’s position is consistent with his longstanding advocacy for robust measures against Russia. In the backdrop of intensified Russian military actions, Landsbergis stressed the need for decisive steps. “We have heard very clearly President Macron’s position that we should stop saying what we are not going to do. We should start thinking about what is necessary to help Ukraine,” he remarked.

    Landsbergis also supports the return of Western military trainers to Ukraine, an initiative that was cut short by Russia’s invasion in 2022. “We must let the Ukrainians use the equipment to strike at Russian targets,” he emphasized, advocating for the removal of current restrictions on Western-supplied arms to Ukraine.

    The Lithuanian minister’s endorsement of Macron’s proposal comes amidst escalating hostilities and provocative moves by Russia. Recently, a draft decree from the Russian defence ministry proposed revising maritime borders in the eastern Baltic Sea, a maneuver that has been described by Landsbergis as an “obvious escalation” against NATO. This has further strained relations in a region already on edge due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

    Macron’s strategy includes re-establishing Western strategic ambiguity to disrupt Moscow’s calculations. This approach is intended to counter Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assertive military posture. “We spend too much time being worried about escalation when Russia is the country that has been escalating,” Haddad asserted, encouraging Western capitals to think creatively about aiding Kyiv.

    Russia, for its part, has issued stern warnings against Western military intervention in Ukraine. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov reiterated the dangers posed by NATO involvement, calling it “an extremely challenging provocation” and signaling the potential for dire consequences.

    As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky continues to urge Western allies for more comprehensive support, the debates over military involvement are intensifying. Zelensky’s recent comments to Reuters underscored the urgency of the situation. “It’s a question of will,” he said, decrying the global hesitancy rooted in fears of escalating the conflict.

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    Russia sows confusion with draft proposal to change Baltic Sea border, AOL, 05/22/2024
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