    HomeHistoryPutin's Ambition in the Baltic: The Strategic Prize of Gotland Island

    Putin’s Ambition in the Baltic: The Strategic Prize of Gotland Island

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    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strategic ambitions in the Baltic Sea are becoming increasingly apparent, with a particular focus on the Swedish island of Gotland. Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces Micael Byden recently highlighted the significant threat posed by Russia’s intentions in the region. “Putin’s goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea,” Byden stated unequivocally, “Who controls Gotland controls the Baltic Sea.”

    The Baltic Sea, often referred to as a “NATO lake,” is central to regional security and stability. Gotland, the largest island in the Baltic and situated around 200 miles north of the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, is strategically vital. According to Byden, if Russia gains control of the island, it could pose a maritime threat to NATO countries.

    The situation has been exacerbated by recent moves from Moscow to unilaterally alter maritime borders in the Baltic Sea, particularly with Finland and Lithuania. The document, dated May 21, indicates that Moscow intends to designate portions of the waters in the eastern Gulf of Finland near its border with Lithuania, as well as areas near the towns of Baltiysk and Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region, as internal waters. This document raised alarm among NATO countries and intensified calls for a robust response.

    Byden’s concerns are not merely hypothetical. He noted that Russia has a history of strategic provocations in the region, including GPS jamming, and that the geopolitical landscape has shifted dramatically following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. “Those peaceful times are over,” Byden remarked. “We had to massively arm Gotland. Now we are guarding the island with permanently stationed units and temporarily deploying additional forces there when the situation becomes dangerous.”

    In addition to Gotland, Byden mentioned that Putin likely has his eyes on the Åland Islands, further underscoring the comprehensive nature of Russia’s ambitions. The Swedish military’s current posture reflects this heightened threat, as Sweden has significantly bolstered its defense capabilities on Gotland. Byden asserted, “From Gotland, we can help other NATO countries in the Baltic Sea to live in security.”

    The geopolitical tension in the region has not gone unnoticed by other Baltic states. Departing from the exercise on May 16, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas remarked that Russia is waging a “shadow war” against the West. Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen stated on X, formerly known as Twitter, that the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea outlines the definition of maritime zones for coastal states, adding, “we assume that Russia, as a party to the Convention, will act accordingly.”

    Relevant articles:
    Swedish commander: Putin aims to control Baltic Sea, has his eye on Gotland Island,, 05/23/2024
    Russia Lays Claim to Part of ‘NATO Lake’, Newsweek, 05/22/2024
    Putin has ‘both eyes’ on Sweden: Scandinavians revealed Kremlin’s plans in the Baltic Sea, Апостроф, 05/22/2024
    Putin has set his sights on Gotland: Swedish Army Chief warns against Russian Baltic ambitions, Odessa Journal, 05/22/2024
    Russia’s Putin to gain control of Part of ‘NATO Lake’, TVCNews, 05/22/2024

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