    HomeHistoryBoeing KC-46A Deliveries Resumed After Two-Month Pause Due to Critical Boom Issue

    Boeing KC-46A Deliveries Resumed After Two-Month Pause Due to Critical Boom Issue

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    The U.S. Air Force experienced a significant delay in the delivery of Boeing KC-46A Pegasus air refueling tankers, following a fleet-wide inspection that revealed a problematic issue with the aircraft’s boom. This interruption in the delivery process, which began in March 2024, has now been resolved, and deliveries are set to resume with two aircraft expected by the end of May, an Air Force spokesperson confirmed.

    The issue at the heart of this pause was identified as a broken boom gimbal nut lockwire, a critical component that secures the boom to its gimbal, allowing for essential movement in all three axes. The discovery necessitated a comprehensive inspection across the fleet to ensure the continued safety of both the aircraft and their receivers. “Deliveries were paused while production and fielded aircraft completed inspections to ensure continued safety of the fleet and receivers,” noted the Air Force spokesperson. Following these inspections, the Department of the Air Force (DAF) resumed the aircraft acceptance process.

    A Boeing official provided additional insight, indicating that while there was no formal halt to deliveries, the pace of production slowed considerably to address the gimbal issue. “Rework to address the gimbal issue resulted in a slower pace on the production line. The delivery process has resumed and we expect to deliver 15 KC-46As to the USAF this fiscal year, with 2 delivered to date,” the official stated.

    This recent pause is another in a series of setbacks for the KC-46A program. Last year, a supplier issue also caused a suspension of deliveries, adding to the extensive developmental challenges faced by the program. Since Boeing signed a fixed-price development deal for the Pegasus in 2011, the KC-46A has resulted in over $7 billion in losses for the aerospace giant, with several critical issues still needing resolution.

    One of the more persistent problems has been with the Remote Vision System (RVS) used by boom operators, which has delayed the fielding of its successor, RVS 2.0, to 2026. “Its successor dubbed RVS 2.0 is now expected to be fielded in 2026, a delay of roughly two years,” Air Force acquisition chief Andrew Hunter revealed in March.

    Despite these challenges, the KC-46A is still viewed favorably in certain quarters, particularly when compared to its competitor, the Airbus A330 MRTT. This is significant as the Air Force prepares to launch a new program aimed at replacing more of its aging KC-135 refuelers, with an acquisition strategy decision expected in the third quarter of fiscal 2024. The Air Force, which initially contracted with Boeing for up to 179 KC-46As, now plans to acquire four additional aircraft, increasing the total fleet size to 183.

    Boeing remains committed to delivering these aircraft with a focus on safety and quality. “We are working closely with the customer to mitigate any impact to the fleet and are committed to delivering the KC-46A with a focus on safety and quality,” Boeing stated. As the delivery process resumes, the aerospace company aims to meet its target of delivering 15 KC-46As within the current fiscal year, continuing to navigate the complexities of one of its most challenging defense programs.

    Relevant articles:
    Boeing KC-46A refueler had two-month pause in deliveries, expected to resume soon, Breaking Defense, 05/24/2024
    KC-46 Deliveries Paused Due To Boom Issue, USAF Says, Aviation Week, 05/24/2024

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