    HomeNewsIran's Supreme Leader Leads Prayers for Late President Raisi Amid National Mourning

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Leads Prayers for Late President Raisi Amid National Mourning

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    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei presided over a solemn memorial ceremony on Wednesday for the late President Ebrahim Raisi, who perished in a helicopter crash alongside Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and six others. The tragic event has plunged the nation into five days of national mourning, marked by unprecedented security measures and public displays of grief.

    The prayers were held at Tehran University, where Khamenei lauded Raisi, stating, “Oh Allah, we didn’t see anything but good from him,” as tens of thousands of mourners proceeded from Enghelab (Revolution) Square to Azadi (Freedom) Square. The caskets, draped in Iranian flags and adorned with photographs of the deceased, were carried through the streets in a massive procession, underscored by tight security. Across the capital, large banners were raised hailing Raisi as “the martyr of service”, while others bade “farewell to the servant of the disadvantaged”.

    Guests at the memorial included high-profile international figures such as Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh, Turkey’s vice president, the deputy prime minister of India, and representatives from over 68 countries, as reported by Iran’s state media. Haniyeh conveyed the condolences of the Palestinian people and recounted his meeting with Raisi during Ramadan, emphasizing Raisi’s steadfast commitment to the Palestinian cause.

    The late president’s body was subsequently transported to his hometown of Mashhad in the northeast, where he was interred at the revered Imam Reza Shrine. The shrine, a site of immense significance in Shiite Islam, witnessed hundreds of thousands of mourners dressed in black, partaking in traditional expressions of mourning such as wailing and chest-beating.

    Despite the public outpouring of grief, the ceremonies for Raisi have not matched the turnout for the 2020 funeral of Revolutionary Guard General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike. Observers noted a stark contrast in the scale of public participation, reflecting perhaps the divisive nature of Raisi’s tenure and his contentious legacy, which includes a severe crackdown on protests following the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody in 2022.

    The crash that claimed Raisi’s life has also sparked questions regarding the safety protocols surrounding the aging Bell 212 helicopter involved. The country’s armed forces chief of staff, Mohammad Bagheri, has ordered an investigation into the incident. The helicopter’s age and the impact of decades-long international sanctions on Iran’s ability to maintain its fleet have come under scrutiny.

    Raisi’s presidency was marked by economic turmoil and political unrest, yet he was seen as a potential successor to Khamenei. His death leaves a vacuum in the nation’s political landscape. Khamenei has appointed Vice President Mohammad Mokhber as caretaker president until the upcoming election on June 28. The current political establishment faces the challenge of bridging deep societal divisions and rejuvenating public faith in the electoral process, a critical source of legitimacy for Iran’s government.

    As the nation mourns, the implications of Raisi’s death ripple across both domestic and international spheres. Iranian media have noted the significant presence of foreign dignitaries at the funeral, highlighting Raisi’s role in fostering alliances and his stance against Western adversaries. His tenure, marred by internal strife and economic hardships, nevertheless positioned him as a pivotal figure in Iran’s political hierarchy.

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