    HomeNewsJohn Bolton Rips Nikki Haley for Backing Trump, Suggests Political Opportunism

    John Bolton Rips Nikki Haley for Backing Trump, Suggests Political Opportunism

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    Former National Security Advisor John Bolton has openly criticized Nikki Haley following her endorsement of Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election, calling into question her motives and pointing to a perceived inconsistency in her political stance.

    Haley, who previously described Trump as “unfit” and “unhinged” during the GOP primary, announced her support for the former president on Wednesday, a move that has drawn ire from many political quarters, including Bolton. “I noticed that in her remarks, she said that she wanted to support a president who would ‘back America’s allies’ and ‘hold its enemies accountable.’ That’s not Donald Trump,” Bolton stated in an interview.

    Bolton further speculated that Haley’s decision was driven by political calculation rather than genuine belief in Trump’s capabilities. “I think she’s obviously made a political calculation that it’s in her interests to support Donald Trump,” he said, adding that many Republicans are making similar decisions due to dissatisfaction with the Biden administration’s performance. However, Bolton’s disappointment was palpable as he underscored that this kind of political maneuvering only contributes to a larger problem within the GOP.

    Bolton, who served in Trump’s administration from 2018 to 2019, has been one of the former president’s most vocal critics, particularly on foreign policy issues. He has warned that a second Trump term could bring significant negative ramifications, including the potential withdrawal from NATO and diminished support for Ukraine, which could embolden adversaries such as Russia and China. “It’s not his record in office and I am very much afraid that would not be his performance if he did get a second term,” Bolton reiterated.

    Adding fuel to the controversy, Bolton suggested that Haley might be eyeing the vice-presidential slot on Trump’s ticket, despite her previous statements to the contrary. “I hope she’s not thinking of being his vice president,” Bolton remarked. Haley had publicly declared in January that she would not serve as Trump’s running mate, saying, “I don’t want to be anybody’s vice president. That is off the table.”

    Bolton’s critique is echoed by a range of political figures and analysts. Democratic strategist Sawyer Hackett noted the stark contrast between Haley’s recent endorsement and her previous condemnations of Trump, tweeting, “Nikki Haley just said she’s voting for Trump. Her 3 months ago: ‘We can’t have someone that sits and mocks men and women trying to protect America. It’s a pattern of chaos. It’s a pattern of irresponsibility.’” Similarly, Alyssa Farah Griffin, former Trump communications director, expressed her disillusionment with Haley’s decision: “Disappointing but not surprising. I lost all faith in politicians a long time ago. Trump is a threat to democracy and has no business being near the White House.”

    The backlash is not confined to Democrats. Larry Sabato, director of the UVA Center for Politics, lamented the apparent lack of courage among prominent Republicans, stating, “OF COURSE Nikki Haley is voting for Trump. There are very few prominent Republicans with the courage of Liz Cheney.”

    Bolton’s criticism underscores a broader concern among GOP foreign policy veterans about the implications of another Trump presidency. According to a column by Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post, former CIA Director Robert Gates and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly have also expressed serious reservations about Trump’s approach to international relations. Gates has warned against Trump’s isolationist tendencies, while Kelly has criticized Trump’s admiration for dictatorial figures.

    During her endorsement, Haley acknowledged Trump’s imperfections but emphasized the failures of the Biden administration. “Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I’ve made that clear many, many times,” she said at the Hudson Institute.

    Despite these acknowledgments, Bolton remains skeptical of Haley’s true intentions. He noted, “I hope she’s not thinking of being his vice president because I think for Trump, the two questions that are most important in interviewing prospective vice presidents are, number one, ‘Do you think the 2020 election was stolen?’ and number two, ‘If I asked you to do something akin to what I asked Mike Pence to do on January 6, would you do it?’”

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