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    Putin Arrives in Belarus for Nuclear Drills Amid Kyiv’s Strategic Strikes on Crimea

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    Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Belarus for a two-day visit, aimed at solidifying the tactical nuclear alliance with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. This visit comes as Putin initiates his fifth term in office, marked by a series of international tours to galvanise support for Russia’s war efforts in Ukraine.

    Putin’s agenda in Belarus is focused on discussing and simulating launch sequences for non-strategic nuclear weapons, a move that signals a chilling escalation in the conflict. “Today and tomorrow we will be discussing all this, including issues of security to which we have devoted considerable attention,” Putin stated. “There is a lot to talk about.”

    Belarus, which borders NATO members Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia, has become increasingly intertwined with Russia’s military strategy. Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, Russia has been stationing its nuclear arsenal within Belarus, heightening regional tensions. The exercises are expected to simulate the deployment of tactical nuclear warheads, which are intended for battlefield use, thus broadening the scope of potential nuclear engagement.

    The timing of Putin’s visit is notably concurrent with Ukraine’s intensified military operations in Crimea. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian forces have executed a series of missile and drone strikes on the illegally annexed peninsula. According to Russia-backed local officials, these strikes resulted in two fatalities in Simferopol, although independent verification of these claims is still pending.

    The strikes on Crimea signify a strategic push by Kyiv to undermine Russian control over the region. Russia’s Defence Ministry claimed that its air defences downed 51 Ukrainian drones over Crimea, 44 over the Krasnodar region, and six over the Belgorod region. Additionally, the ministry asserted that Russian warplanes and patrol boats neutralised six sea drones in the Black Sea. However, Ukrainian drones reportedly managed to damage a power plant in Sevastopol, disrupting energy supplies and leading to temporary school closures.

    “Communal services are doing their best to restore the power system as quickly as possible,” said Sevastopol’s governor, Mikhail Razvozhayev. The drone attacks have also ignited a refinery in southern Russia and caused fires in several other regions, illustrating the increasing reach and effectiveness of Ukraine’s counteroffensive tactics.

    These developments come amid ongoing frustrations within the Kremlin regarding the stalled negotiations for a ceasefire. Sources close to Putin revealed that the Russian President is willing to agree to a ceasefire that recognizes the current battlefield lines, but remains prepared to continue the conflict if Ukraine and the West do not engage in negotiations. “Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire to freeze the war,” said a senior Russian source.

    Relevant articles:
    Ukraine war news live: Putin arrives in Belarus to stage nuclear drills as Kyiv strikes occupied Crimea, The Independent, 05/24/2024
    Ukraine launches massive drone attack on Crimea as Kyiv hits back at Russia amid Putin’s offensive, Yahoo News UK, 05/24/2024

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