    HomeNewsTrump Promises Putin Will Release Jailed Reporter Gershkovich if He Wins 2024...

    Trump Promises Putin Will Release Jailed Reporter Gershkovich if He Wins 2024 Election

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    In a statement that has sparked widespread controversy, former President Donald Trump claimed on Thursday that he could secure the release of jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich from Russia if he wins the 2024 presidential election. Trump made the assertion on his Truth Social platform, declaring that Russian President Vladimir Putin would free Gershkovich “almost immediately after the Election, but definitely before I assume Office.”

    Trump emphasized that Gershkovich, who has been detained in Russia since March 2023 on espionage charges, would be returned to the United States “HOME, SAFE, AND WITH HIS FAMILY,” adding that “WE WILL BE PAYING NOTHING!” The Republican candidate did not provide any details or evidence to substantiate how he would achieve this, nor did he indicate whether he has had any direct contact with Putin regarding the matter.

    The Kremlin was quick to deny any such discussions. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated, “There aren’t any contacts with Donald Trump.” Peskov further insisted that any negotiations concerning imprisoned individuals must be conducted “in complete silence and absolutely discreetly.”

    The claim from Trump, who has often expressed admiration for Putin and taken a skeptical stance on U.S. support for Ukraine, was swiftly condemned by President Joe Biden’s campaign. T.J. Ducklo, a senior adviser to the Biden campaign, criticized Trump, saying, “Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn about the innocent Americans unjustly imprisoned by Vladimir Putin. Trump has called journalists ‘enemies of the people’ and pledged to imprison reporters whose coverage he doesn’t like – not all that dissimilar to what’s happening right now to Evan Gershkovich in Russia.”

    Gershkovich, a 32-year-old U.S. citizen, has been held in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison, a notorious facility for holding political prisoners, since his arrest on espionage charges, which he, his employer, and the U.S. government have strongly denied. Despite multiple efforts by the Biden administration to negotiate his release, including a significant proposal for a prisoner swap, Russia has so far refused to free Gershkovich.

    The Biden administration has made it clear that securing Gershkovich’s release remains an urgent priority. President Biden himself has stated that the U.S. will continue to press for Gershkovich’s freedom and will “denounce and impose costs for Russia’s appalling attempts to use Americans as bargaining chips.” Addressing Gershkovich and another wrongfully detained American, Paul Whelan, Biden reassured them, “We are with you. And we will never stop working to bring you home.”

    The Trump campaign has remained largely silent on the specifics of how Trump plans to achieve Gershkovich’s release. When pressed, a Trump campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, simply reiterated, “There is only one person who can negotiate the safe return of Mr. Gershkovich back to his family – President Trump.”

    Relevant articles:
    Trump claims, if elected, Putin will release jailed reporter Evan Gershkovich ‘for me’ | The presumptive Republican presidential nominee provided no explanation for why he was making the claim, which drew a sharp response from President Joe Biden’s campaign.,, 05/24/2024
    Russia denies Trump’s claim he can free US journalist if he wins election, The Guardian US, 05/23/2024
    Donald Trump says Vladimir Putin will free jailed US reporter Evan Gershkovich for him, South China Morning Post, 05/23/2024

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