    HomeHistoryNavigating the Future: The U.S. Navy's Accelerated Pursuit of Small Unmanned Systems

    Navigating the Future: The U.S. Navy’s Accelerated Pursuit of Small Unmanned Systems

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    The United States Navy has historically been at the forefront of maritime innovation, and its current interest in small unmanned systems is no exception. The service’s commitment to incorporating small unmanned systems, both on and under the water, demonstrates a strategic pivot towards greater agility, efficiency, and technological integration in naval operations.

    Industry leaders like L3Harris are responding proactively to the Navy’s signals, developing disruptive systems designed to complement and augment the capabilities of traditional naval assets. The Arabian Fox autonomous surface vessels and the successful demonstration of launching an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) from a submarine’s torpedo tube underscore the growing synergy between the Navy and industrial partners. Jon Rambeau, L3Harris’ president for Integrated Missions Systems, notes that while formal acquisition strategies are still evolving, his company is prepared to respond rapidly to the Navy’s needs.

    The Navy’s evolving budgetary landscape reveals a nuanced approach to small unmanned systems. Undersecretary of the Navy Erik Raven articulated this as an “ecosystem” of embracing unmanned technologies—some to be sustained over the long term and others to be employed on a rotational basis to leverage industry’s latest innovations. Although the fiscal specifics remain undisclosed, Raven’s comments underscore the Navy’s commitment to integrating these technologies as part of its future operational paradigm.

    The establishment of Unmanned Surface Vessel Squadron 3 (“USVRON Three”) at Naval Base San Diego is a concrete step towards this integration. Tasked with overseeing small surface drones, USVRON Three will not only operationalize unmanned technologies but also innovate in the realm of doctrine and fleet testing. As Capt. Derek Rader, the squadron’s first commanding officer, suggests, the sailors themselves are the vital link in the union of manned and unmanned naval forces.

    Furthermore, DARPA’s AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY (ANCILLARY) program has showcased groundbreaking concepts for small VTOL uncrewed aerial systems (UAS). These systems, meant to be deployed from Navy ships, are engineered for multiple missions and are eagerly anticipated across multiple branches of the military, including the Army, Air Force, Special Operations Command, and Coast Guard. This program, expected to reach its flight testing phase by early 2026, exemplifies the cross-service interest in small unmanned systems.

    The Navy is positioning itself to quickly adopt and integrate small unmanned systems, enhancing its operational flexibility and maintaining a technological edge in the maritime domain. Companies like L3Harris, geared up for rapid production and innovation, await the call to action, anticipating when these emerging systems transition from proof of concept to critical fleet assets.

    Relevant articles:
    Industry responding to Navy’s interest in small unmanned systems , Defense News, 05/25/2024
    Meet the Navy’s newest sea drone squadron, Yahoo! Voices, 05/24/2024
    DARPA Unveils Concepts for Future VTOL Uncrewed Aerial Systems, Inside Unmanned Systems, 05/23/2024
    U.S. Navy Christens Final Independence-class Littoral Combat Ship, USS Pierre, Marine Insight, 05/24/2024
    DARPA Advances to Next Design Phase of Naval VTOL Drone Project, The Defense Post, 05/23/2024

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