    HomeNewsNew Zealand Joins Coalition in the Red Sea, Deploys Defence Team Amid...

    New Zealand Joins Coalition in the Red Sea, Deploys Defence Team Amid Houthi Threats

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    In a significant development, New Zealand announced the deployment of a six-member Defence Force team to the Red Sea region as part of an international effort to counter Houthi attacks on commercial shipping. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon confirmed the plan following a Cabinet meeting and emphasized that the deployment would not involve any combat operations or entry into Yemen by New Zealand personnel.

    The deployment is seen as a response to the Houthi rebel group’s continued targeting of vessels in the strategic Red Sea corridor. According to Luxon, such attacks “are illegal, they’re unacceptable and they’re profoundly destabilising,” adding that “Nearly 15 percent of global trade goes through the Red Sea, and the Houthi attacks are driving costs higher for New Zealanders and causing delays to shipments.”

    The move aligns with New Zealand’s historical commitment to defending freedom of navigation. The Defence Force personnel are set to take on roles at operational headquarters, assisting coalition forces with “precision targeting.” Defence Minister Judith Collins expressed pride in the capabilities of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), “our New Zealand Defence Force personnel are immensely skilled, they signed up to defend New Zealand and they’re trained to do it. They’re ready to do our bit and I’m extremely proud of them.”

    Foreign Minister Winston Peters dismissed any association between New Zealand’s maritime security efforts and the conflict between Israel and Gaza, clarifying that “Any suggestion our ongoing support for maritime security in the Middle East is connected to recent developments in Israel and the Gaza Strip, is wrong.” Peters further noted that the actions support “international security and the free flow of trade on which New Zealanders rely.”

    The deployment has met with opposition from the Green Party in New Zealand, which expressed being “deeply disturbed” by the decision, asserting that it could “further inflame tensions in the Middle East.” “Aotearoa New Zealand has a proud history of being a voice for peace on the global stage. Now more than ever we need that voice to be loud and strong — and our actions to be focused on de-escalation of violence, not fuelling further conflict where ordinary people will be affected most,” the party said.

    Despite such concerns, the government maintains that the deployment is a proportionate response and underscores New Zealand’s support for global stability. The coalition’s efforts to provide security in the Red Sea are ongoing, with the US and British forces carrying out a fresh round of strikes against the Iranian-allied Houthi group in Yemen.

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