    HomeNewsStrategic Waterway Under Threat: Houthi Rebel Attacks Sever Red Sea Internet Cables

    Strategic Waterway Under Threat: Houthi Rebel Attacks Sever Red Sea Internet Cables

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    Three crucial underwater data cables, vital for global internet and telecommunications, have been severed under the Red Sea as Houthi rebels continue to launch aggressive maneuvers in this pivotal maritime route. The cables, which are part of a complex network crucial for data movement between Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, were reported cut amidst ongoing rebel campaigns aimed at disrupting shipping and putting pressure on Israel over the conflict in Gaza.

    While the exact cause of the severed cables is not yet confirmed, telecommunications companies have begun rerouting traffic to mitigate the effects of the damage, which has impacted a quarter of the traffic flowing through the Red Sea.HGC Global Communications incorrectly labeled the Seacom-TGN-Gulf line as two separate cables, when in fact it is one cable at the location of the cut, as stated by Tim Stronge, a subsea cable expert at TeleGeography, a telecommunications market research company based in Washington. Responding to questions from The Associated Press, Seacom said that “initial testing indicates the affected segment lies within Yemeni maritime jurisdictions in the Southern Red Sea.” It said it was rerouting the traffic that it was able to change, though some services were down.

    The Houthis denied direct involvement in cutting the cables, instead, casting doubt on British and U.S. military operations in the area. However, due to the strategic importance of this undersea infrastructure and past Houthi threats, the rebel group’s denial has been viewed skeptically.

    The attacks in the Red Sea are not new. Since November, Houthi rebels have repeatedly targeted vessels, including an aid ship bound for Houthi-controlled territory and the Rubymar, a cargo ship carrying fertilizer that sank after being struck. Houthi military spokesperson Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree has openly claimed responsibility for attacks on shipping, linking them to the larger conflict between Israel and Hamas.

    The potential for continued damage to underwater cables raises concerns about the security of one of the world’s busiest maritime routes. The Red Sea is home to over a dozen cables with more planned, carrying over 90% of communications between Europe and Asia. Though telecommunications operators have built redundancy into the system, the persistent threat posed by Houthi attacks introduces uncertainty and risks to the stability of global communications infrastructure.

    The method of attack on the cables remains a matter of conjecture. Houthi rebels are not known to possess the diving or salvage capabilities required to reach the cables, often located hundreds of meters below the sea surface. “Our team thinks it is plausible that it could have been affected by anchor dragging, due to the amount of marine traffic the region deals with and the low seabed in many parts of the Red Sea,” Seacom said. “This can only be confirmed once the repair ship is on site.”

    The Yemeni rebels have now warned that any cable-laying ship entering Yemeni waters would require a permit from them, purportedly due to safety concerns. This adds another layer of complexity to repair and maintenance operations in a waterway that is already fraught with political and military tensions.

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