    HomeHistoryNavy's 'Ghost Fleet': Autonomous Warships to Redefine Sea Combat

    Navy’s ‘Ghost Fleet’: Autonomous Warships to Redefine Sea Combat

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    In what could be a transformative shift for naval warfare, militaries around the globe are accelerating their research and deployment of unmanned vessels, informally known as “ghost fleets.” These innovative warships, which can be operated remotely or autonomously, are poised to reshape the future of maritime combat.

    The Canadian Navy is contemplating the scale and capabilities of “optionally-crewed” warships as advancements in drone technology and artificial intelligence rapidly evolve naval warfare scenarios. According to Vice-Admiral Angus Tophee, discussions are underway about the ideal balance between manned and unmanned vessels in Canada’s naval force structure, especially as its allies, notably the United States, have started to field test autonomous ships extensively.

    The U.S. Navy is forging ahead with its adoption of unmanned surface vessels (USVs). A squadron of medium and large USVs has been formed in the Pacific, and plans are set for another to operate alongside crewed warships. These squadrons, informally named “ghost fleets,” represent a critical initiative by the U.S. to bolster its maritime presence and capabilities.

    Moreover, the U.S. Navy’s vision extends to a larger, mixed fleet. A revision in the service’s request to Congress revealed an expansion plan that could see the fleet grow to as many as 381 manned ships by the 2050s, supported by an additional 150 unmanned surface and underwater vessels.

    In a move that underscores the strategic significance of unmanned warships, two of the Navy’s Ghost Fleet USVs, Mariner and Ranger, arrived in Yokosuka, Japan, as part of their Pacific deployment. Cmdr. Jeremiah Daley highlighted the pivotal role that unmanned or optionally manned vessels will play in future naval operations, enhancing the reach and firepower of manned ships. Daley described the transformative potential of these ships: “The ability to turn one surface action group of three destroyers and a certain number of USVs and convert them into three surface action groups covering three or four or five times more space… is a game changer.”

    According to naval historian Marc Milner, these developments are particularly crucial for operations near coastlines, where conventional navies face mounting challenges from unconventional warfare tactics. He noted that while drone swarms targeting single surface ships haven’t yet materialized, the U.S. Navy is experimenting with this concept as part of its “hellscape” attack strategy.

    Australia has also acknowledged the strategic value of integrating unmanned vessels into its navy. The country’s naval review included plans to complement its crewed destroyers and frigates with a fleet of unmanned ships, which would significantly augment their operational capabilities.

    Despite the evident promise of these “ghost fleets,” the path to fully autonomous operations is not without hurdles. For instance, the large unmanned surface vessels (LUSVs) currently require small crews on board for certain tasks, such as refueling, which have not yet been automated. Capt. Pete Small, Navy Program Manager for USVs, elucidated that while these LUSVs are set to autonomously navigate the open seas and execute complex directives, human intervention is still required for certain operational tasks.

    Relevant articles:
    The navy is looking at deploying ‘ghost fleets’ — warships that don’t need crews, CBC
    2 Navy Ghost Fleet Unmanned Ships Now in the Western Pacific, USNI News
    America’s Ghost Fleet: The Unmanned Ships Boosting Navy Firepower, Popular Mechanics
    Navy: Large USV Will Require Small Crews for the Next Several Years, USNI News

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