    HomeNewsFormer NATO Chief Advocates Swift NATO Membership for Ukraine Amid Ongoing Conflict

    Former NATO Chief Advocates Swift NATO Membership for Ukraine Amid Ongoing Conflict

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    In a fervent appeal, former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has urged NATO members to extend a formal invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance during the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, D.C., in July. As Rasmussen emphasized, the urgency of this move cannot be overstated given the ongoing conflict with Russia, which he argues is being fueled by the Kremlin’s belief that prolonging the war will keep Ukraine from joining NATO.

    Rasmussen, who co-chaired a task force that consolidated recommendations for NATO’s approach to Ukraine, stressed, “It is urgent to start accession talks with Ukraine to show Putin that not only do we want to support Ukraine for as long as it takes, but also with as much as it takes.” He believes that initiating this process will send a clear and decisive message to Moscow: Ukraine’s membership in NATO is inevitable.

    This sentiment was echoed at a recent Atlantic Council event where Rasmussen was joined by US, European, and Ukrainian officials. The consensus was that the West must accelerate its support for Ukraine to halt the severe consequences of hesitancy, which Rasmussen described as, “The damage done by our hesitancy can be counted in Ukrainian lives.”

    Andriy Yermak, Head of the Ukrainian President’s Office, underscored this point by drawing a metaphor of transatlantic security as a puzzle, currently incomplete due to Ukraine’s absence. “Today, the piece is Ukraine,” he stated, adding that the world is nearing a “point of no return” where NATO will either fracture or complete the puzzle with Ukraine’s inclusion.

    Despite some NATO members’ concerns that admitting Ukraine amidst its ongoing war with Russia could escalate the conflict, Rasmussen advocates for a bold stance. Rasmussen further contended that NATO leaders must implement strategies to control the conflict and ensure a positive outcome for Ukraine. This, according to him, involves removing the constraints imposed by the West on Ukraine’s ability to target Russian missile launchers, as well as any other restrictions on the use of provided weapons. After two years, Rasmussen cautioned that allies continue to hinder Ukraine’s ability to fight effectively.

    Relevant articles:
    Former NATO secretary-general wants to see Ukraine admitted to NATO quickly , NPR, 05/23/2024
    NATO must accelerate support and secure membership for Ukraine at its Washington summit, transatlantic leaders urge, Atlantic Council, 05/22/2024

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