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    Putin Open to Ceasefire in Ukraine if Current Battlefield Lines Recognised, Sources Claim

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    Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that would acknowledge the current battlefield lines, according to multiple Russian sources cited by Reuters. This potential ceasefire would leave Russia in control of significant portions of four Ukrainian regions.

    “Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire – to freeze the war,” a senior Russian source familiar with high-level Kremlin conversations told Reuters. This source, along with others, highlighted that the Russian leader is growing frustrated with what he perceives as Western efforts to obstruct ceasefire talks.

    Despite Putin’s apparent openness to a ceasefire, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has consistently rebuffed the notion of negotiations under the current circumstances. Zelenskyy’s stance was formalised in a 2022 decree that deemed any talks with Putin “impossible.” Speaking earlier this year, Zelenskyy argued that a pause in fighting could ultimately benefit Russia, stating that it “might crush us afterwards.”

    Both leaders also dismissed a proposal from French President Emmanuel Macron for a temporary ceasefire during the upcoming Olympic Games, indicating a shared unwillingness to engage in short-term truces.

    Putin’s current strategy, as interpreted by two Russian sources, is driven by the belief that the territorial gains thus far can be marketed as a victory to the Russian populace. Achieving further significant advances could necessitate another round of national mobilisation—an unpopular move given the backlash from the first mobilisation in September 2022.

    In an attempt to circumvent another full-scale mobilisation, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov mentioned that Russia is focusing on recruiting volunteer contractors instead. Peskov also reiterated Russia’s openness to dialogue, emphasising that the country does not seek “eternal war.”

    The chances of a ceasefire are further diminished by Zelenskyy’s ongoing commitment to reclaiming all lost territories, including Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014. Ukrainian officials have stated that any peace talks are contingent upon a full Russian withdrawal, a demand encapsulated in Ukraine’s 10-point peace formula introduced by Zelenskyy last year.

    Ukraine continues to push its peace plan, and a global summit will be held in Switzerland next month that will be centered around Zelensky’s peace formula.”This is a real diplomatic track that has every chance of contributing to a just peace,” National Security and Defense Council Secretary Oleksandr Lytvynenko said on May 20.

    Mr. Putin has already ruled out attending the upcoming Ukraine Peace Summit in Burgenstock, Switzerland, from 15-16 June, a meeting Ukraine hopes Russia’s allies will join.

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