    HomeNewsRussian Su-30SM2 Jets with Hypersonic Missiles Poised to Counter U.S. F-16s in...

    Russian Su-30SM2 Jets with Hypersonic Missiles Poised to Counter U.S. F-16s in Ukraine

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    Recent developments in Ukraine have ushered in a notable change in the air combat capabilities between Russia and the U.S.-supported Ukrainian forces. As Ukraine is on the verge of incorporating U.S.-manufactured F-16 Fighting Falcon jets into its arsenal, Russia has responded by deploying its enhanced Su-30SM2 fighter jets equipped with cutting-edge hypersonic missiles.

    Russian state media has circulated footage depicting the latest version of the Sukhoi Su-30SM2 jets, suggesting these aircraft are equipped with the R-37 long-range hypersonic missiles. These missiles, according to reports, have the capability to strike targets up to 186 miles (300 kilometers) away. Furthermore, Ukrainian military bloggers have noted the presence of R-77 active radar-homing air-to-air missiles on these jets.

    The Su-30SM2 is an advanced iteration of the venerable Su-30, featuring sophisticated avionics and radars designed to enhance target detection and identification at extended ranges. These jets are equipped with AL-41F-1S engines, improving their overall performance and allowing them to deliver strikes against aerial, ground, and naval targets with precision from several hundred kilometers away.

    According to Top War, a Kremlin-affiliated media outlet, “Our military pilots, as it were, showed that they are quite ready for the arrival of NATO aircraft and will meet them properly.” This statement underscores Russia’s readiness to confront the new capabilities that Ukrainian forces will soon possess. The Su-30SM2 jets, with their advanced weaponry, are seen as a critical element in maintaining Russia’s aerial superiority over Ukraine.

    The R-37 missile, which is believed to be operational on these jets, is a notable inclusion. A prominent Russian military blogger highlighted that the video showing these jets was the first indicator of the R-37 long-range air-launched missiles being integrated with the Su-30SM2 fighters. These missiles, capable of hypersonic speeds, provide a significant tactical advantage by allowing Russian pilots to engage targets from a considerable distance, potentially outmatching the capabilities of the F-16s.

    The Su-30SM2 jets have been described by Russian state media as fitted with advanced avionics and radars, making them potent adversaries in the sky. The modified jets can carry a “larger arsenal” of long-range air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, as reported by the state news agency Tass in November 2022.

    The Baltic Fleet, based in Kaliningrad, conducted drills in April 2023, including the upgraded Su-30SM and Su-30SM2 multi-role fighters.

    Ukrainian pilots, trained internationally, are ready to use these jets to neutralize Russian ground defenses and sustain air superiority.The F-16s, once operational, will enable Ukraine to conduct more effective and distant combat missions, potentially shifting the aerial balance of power.

    Ilya Yevlash, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s air force, remarked that that the first Ukrainian F-16 specialists had returned to Ukraine from international training. He added that one Western-made jet would “be capable of performing certain functions together with our outdated aircraft fleet.”

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