    HomeHistoryUkrainian Glide Bomb Effectiveness Undermined by Russian Electronic Warfare Tactics

    Ukrainian Glide Bomb Effectiveness Undermined by Russian Electronic Warfare Tactics

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    The efficacy of Ukraine’s recently deployed Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) has been significantly reduced due to sophisticated Russian jamming techniques.

    The GLSDB, developed jointly by Boeing Co. and SAAB AB, was introduced to provide Ukraine with a long-range capability that extends beyond the 43 miles (69 km) offered by the U.S.-supplied Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS). The GLSDB, combining the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb and the M26 rocket motor, boasts a range of approximately 100 miles (161 km).

    However, the success of the GLSDBs has been hampered by Russian electronic warfare tactics. The navigation systems of these glide bombs, which allow them to maneuver around obstacles and known anti-air defenses, have been systematically targeted by Russian jamming efforts. Jamming happens when huge amounts of energy are broadcast into an area, overwhelming a device’s signal.

    “Russian jamming has kept many of Ukraine’s relatively new long-range GLSDB bombs from hitting their intended targets,” reported Reuters, citing three individuals familiar with the situation. Despite Boeing’s claims that the weapon can defeat some jamming, a source indicated that it could take months for the company to develop an effective countermeasure.

    This is not the first instance where Russian forces have employed jamming against Ukrainian military assets. Similar tactics have been used against Ukrainian radios, drones, and even the GPS-guided Excalibur 155 mm artillery munitions. The widespread use of electronic warfare by Russian forces has posed significant operational challenges for the Ukrainian military.

    Tom Karako, a weapons expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, remarked, “Jamming on the battlefield in Ukraine is simply a reality, and numerous weapon systems have had to contend with these and other countermeasures.” He further noted that, “Whether such challenges are in turn countered with technical upgrades or simply alternative methods of employment, the utility of long range fires is going to persist.”

    Ukraine has been utilizing the GLSDBs since earlier this year, but their performance has been notably underwhelming due to the effective jamming by Russian forces. In addition to the GLSDBs, Ukraine has also deployed both short and long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), which have a range of up to 180 miles (300 km).

    Relevant articles:
    Ukraine’s long-range glide bomb blunted by Russian jamming ,, 05/24/2024
    Russian Jamming Hampers Ukraine’s Long-Range GLSDB Bombs, Devdiscourse, 05/23/2024

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