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    Hungary’s NATO Membership Debate: Seeking an Opt-Out from Alliance’s Growing Support for Ukraine

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    Hungary is actively seeking to “redefine” its role within NATO, with the aim of crafting a unique membership status that would potentially allow it to abstain from the military alliance’s increasing support for Ukraine.

    Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, in a state radio interview, outlined the delicate path his government is pursuing. “Our lawyers and officers are hard at work to see how Hungary can maintain its NATO membership in a way that it wouldn’t have to take part in NATO actions outside of NATO territory,” he stated. This statement encapsulates the core of Hungary’s intention to recast its obligations under the NATO umbrella, distinguishing itself from other member states.

    Hungary’s position has garnered attention as NATO plans to roll out a package of support for Ukraine at its upcoming summit in Washington, D.C., in July. This package is expected to enhance NATO’s operational role in aiding Ukrainian forces with weapons deliveries and training. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has even proposed a $100 billion fund for Ukraine over the next five years, a plan that has yet to gain unanimous support from member countries.

    This quest for a redefinition by Hungary could have far-reaching implications. As a nation that has already contributed to NATO missions in Iraq and Kosovo, Hungary is signaling a shift in its willingness to participate in alliance operations beyond its borders, particularly those directed at supporting Ukraine. While NATO members are permitted to opt out of military missions, the broadest possible participation has always been the norm.

    Hungary’s motives are influenced by a unique geopolitical stance. Orbán has expressed disagreement with some NATO members’ assessments that Russia would potentially invade NATO’s eastern flank following Ukraine. Instead, he categorizes the conflict as one between “two Slavic countries,” a view not widely endorsed within the alliance. This stance has led Hungary to act effectively as a “non-participating member” in discussions about sending aid to Ukraine.

    Prime Minister Orbán acknowledges the current ambiguity in Hungary’s participation: “It’s a situation where we’re sort of there and not there,” he said, questioning the sustainability of such a stance.

    Relevant articles:
    Hungary Seeks To ‘redefine’ Its NATO Membership – Orban – I24NEWS , i24NEWS, 05/24/2024
    Hungary looking to redefine its NATO membership, POLITICO Europe, 05/24/2024
    Hungary seeks to ‘redefine’ its Nato membership over Ukraine, Financial Times, 05/24/2024
    Putin’s favorite NATO member wants to ‘redefine’ membership so it doesn’t have to help Ukraine, Business Insider, 05/24/2024
    Hungary wants to redefine its NATO status to opt out of supporting Ukraine, Ukrainska Pravda, 05/24/2024

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