    HomeHistoryMilitaryUkraine’s Push for NATO Assistance Intensifies Amid Russian Aggression

    Ukraine’s Push for NATO Assistance Intensifies Amid Russian Aggression

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    Ukraine is escalating its diplomatic efforts to secure Western backing for more assertive military action, including the use of NATO-supplied weapons against Russian targets. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, navigating the delicate geopolitics with Western allies, is pushing to expand the rules of engagement that have thus far confined Ukrainian forces to respond strictly within their borders.

    The recent Russian offensive on Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has lent urgency to Kyiv’s appeals. President Zelenskiy’s administration sent a formal request to the White House to use U.S. weapons and assistance against Russian territory, as confirmed by Charles Q. Brown, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While specific actions Ukraine wishes to undertake remain undisclosed, the request hints at an appetite for targeting Russian soil, possibly leveraging U.S. satellite intelligence, which has so far been restrained to Ukrainian operations.

    Addressing concerns of escalation, President Zelenskiy stated in The New York Times, “What we have always asked of President Biden — and not only President Biden, but the leaders of many countries — is that we want to use the weapons for defense.” He added, “They are stationed in the villages nearest to the border of Ukraine in Russia. They strike from there, knowing that we will not return fire, knowing that they are using civilian populations as cover.”

    Ukraine has successfully shifted previously imposed red lines, securing agreements to receive long-range ATACMS missiles and, after considerable negotiation, the promise of over 70 F-16 fighters from Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Belgium to counter the Russian air force. Despite this, resistance remains from countries like Germany, which has declined to provide Taurus long-range missiles over concerns of their use on Russian targets. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has maintained that Washington does not advocate extending the conflict to Russia.

    Beyond the Western hemisphere, Zelenskiy looks to neighboring NATO member countries for assistance in intercepting Russian missiles, drawing comparisons to the U.S., Jordan, and the U.K.’s intervention in defending Israel from Iranian missile attacks. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis voiced support for Kyiv, saying on LRT television, “The Ukrainians must be able to strike on Russian territory, their logistical lines, and troops preparing to attack.”

    Additionally, there is emerging dialogue within NATO states advocating for the dismissal of self-imposed limits. Benjamin Haddad, a spokesperson for French President Emmanuel Macron’s party, expressed that NATO should stop “negotiating” with itself and consider “turning the tables” on the Kremlin. He suggested the alliance should provide everything Ukraine needs, including long-range missiles, tanks, and planes, to significantly alter the conflict’s dynamics.

    The urgency is compounded by Ukraine’s clandestine efforts to target Russian military, industrial, and energy infrastructure up to 1,000 kilometers from the border using drone bombs. These campaigns have prompted public warnings from U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, concerned about potential destabilization of the global fuel market.

    Kyiv’s ambition is also reflected in President Zelenskiy’s plans to visit the D-Day commemoration in France and a G7 meeting in Italy to request enhanced military aid and appeal for the downing of Russian missiles over Ukraine.

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    Ukraine pressures its allies to allow it to use NATO weapons against Russian territory , EL PAÍS USA, 05/25/2024
    Zelensky urges NATO to shoot down Russian missiles, give more weapons to Ukraine, Press TV, 05/22/2024
    No More NATO ‘Red Lines’ in Ukraine, Macron Ally Urges, Newsweek, 05/23/2024
    Politico: Zelensky to visit France, Italy, urge NATO to down Russian missiles over Ukraine, Kyiv Independent, 05/23/2024
    ‘What’s the problem?’: Zelenskyy urges Nato to shoot down Russian missiles, The Times of India, 05/22/2024

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