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    Ukrainian Pilots Complete F-16 Training in U.S., Marking a Pivotal Step in Aerial Defense

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    Ukrainian pilots have successfully completed their training on F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets in the United States, a significant milestone in Ukraine’s ongoing efforts to modernize its air force amidst the Russo-Ukrainian conflict.

    The training, conducted at the Arizona Air National Guard Wing in Tucson, marks a crucial first step in integrating these advanced, U.S.-made aircraft into Ukrainian aerial operations.

    According to Politico, an undisclosed number of Ukrainian pilots have now concluded their F-16 course. Their graduation marks a “crucial first step toward putting modern, American-made fighter jets in Ukrainian skies,” Erin Hannigan, a spokeswoman for the Air National Guard, told the media.

    Initially, U.S. President Joe Biden was reluctant to approve the transfer of F-16s to Ukraine due to the potential for escalating the conflict with Russia. However, Biden eventually reversed his stance, allowing for the training of Ukrainian pilots and the donation of jets by European allies, including Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued stern warnings, stating that any F-16s supplied to Ukraine would be targeted and shot down by Russian forces. He also highlighted the potential nuclear capabilities of the aircraft, adding: “Of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, wherever they are located.”

    The original F-16A entered service in the U.S. Air Force in 1980. Ukrainian officials have high hopes for these aircraft.  However, U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall cautioned last year that F-16s would not be a “dramatic game-changer” in the conflict.

    The Dutch Ministry of Defense reported that 10 Ukrainian military personnel completed their F-16 maintenance training in the Netherlands. This program, set up by the Flight Safety Equipment cluster (VVU), covered critical aspects of fighter pilots jet maintenance, including helmets, oxygen systems, onboard parachutes, and survival packs.

    “Through their training, the trainees are prepared for all possible risks of an F-16 mission. As a result, eventually Ukrainian pilots will also be better protected,” the Dutch Defense Ministry noted.

    In addition to pilot and maintenance training, the Netherlands, in collaboration with other NATO allies, has initiated the establishment of the European F-16 Training Center (EFTC) in Romania. This facility will further enhance the training capabilities for Ukrainian and other allied pilots, with 11 Dutch F-16s already allocated to the EFTC.

    Relevant articles:
    Ukrainian pilots finish F-16 training in US – media , azərbaycan24, 05/24/2024
    16 maintenance training in Netherlands, Euromaidan Press, 05/21/2024
    Ukrainian servicemen complete F-16 maintenance training in the Netherlands, Yahoo! Voices, 05/21/2024
    Russian MiG-35: How Fighter Jet Compares To Ukraine’s Incoming F-16s, Newsweek, 05/22/2024

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