    HomeNewsU.S. Bolsters Readiness Amid Alarming Predictions of North Korean Military Provocations

    U.S. Bolsters Readiness Amid Alarming Predictions of North Korean Military Provocations

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    In the shadow of a tumultuous international stage, American intelligence officials have warned of potential military provocations from North Korea that could rank among the most severe in recent memory. These officials brace for actions that could be spurred by encouragement from Russian President Vladimir Putin and have placed U.S. forces on high alert for any aggressive moves by Pyongyang.

    Citing six senior U.S. officials, reports suggest that such provocations could take place in the tense moments leading up to the November 5 presidential election. The United States has contingency plans in response to Pyongyang’s aggressive actions in the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas, or the shelling of South Korean border islands — belligerence not seen since 2010. “We have no doubt that North Korea will be provocative this year. It’s just a matter of how escalatory it is,” said a U.S. intelligence official, encapsulating the palpable apprehension within U.S. intelligence circles.

    North Korea launched a long-range missile in response to the arrival of a U.S. submarine in South Korea, denouncing the ship’s arrival as a show of force and a “rehearsal for nuclear war.” South Korean officials said the launch also violated a U.N. agreement. “North Korea’s recent ballistic missile launch is a clear violation of a UN Security Council resolution that prohibits the use of ballistic missile technology and scientific and technological cooperation,” South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement.

    Pyongyang defends its nuclear arsenal and any launches, believing that it is exercising its sovereign right to self-defence. Less than an hour after the launch, state media carried a statement from Pyongyang’s Defense Ministry criticizing the “military bandits” of the United States and South Korea for raising tensions through a “show of force” and plans for nuclear war. The USS Missouri nuclear submarine arrived in the South Korean port city of Busan on Sunday, raising tensions in the region and drawing the ire of Pyongyang military officials.

    “The DPRK armed forces will completely suppress attempts by the United States and its vassal forces to ignite a nuclear war, thereby reliably ensuring peace and security on the Korean Peninsula,” a statement from Pyongyang said, using the initials of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the official name of the DPRK. The statement also mentioned that the U.S. nuclear consultative group meeting held late last week was part of an effort by the U.S. and its allies to step up planning efforts and increase military displays to warn North Korea.

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