    HomeHistoryMilitaryHacksmith Industries Crafts Sci-Fi Fantasy Into Reality with Dune-Inspired Stillsuit

    Hacksmith Industries Crafts Sci-Fi Fantasy Into Reality with Dune-Inspired Stillsuit

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    May 20, 2024, marked a stride in the merging of science fiction and real-world engineering as the YouTube channel Hacksmith Industries unveiled a prototype “stillsuit” that could turn body waste into potable water. Fans of Frank Herbert’s epic “Dune” and real-life adventurers alike watched as this team, known for turning fiction into functioning tech, took a deep dive into the novel’s survival gear meant for the harsh conditions of the fictional desert planet of Arrakis.

    Dubbed as a “stillsuit,” the wearable technology in “Dune” is crafted to recycle the wearer’s body moisture – from sweat to urine – enabling them to endure in the planet’s extreme environments. Hacksmith Industries didn’t just dream about this futuristic tech; they brought it to life using an amalgamation of off-the-shelf computer cooling equipment and health and safety personnel protective gear.

    The prototype, while not quite as sleek as the “stillsuits” depicted in the film adaptations, features a Tyvek suit adorned with a Dune costume for aesthetics and is built around a thermoelectric cooler. This device, typically used to cool electronics, has a side that gets cold when electrically charged, effectively condensing water vapor from the air inside the suit. A respirator was cleverly fitted to channel the wearer’s breath over the cooler, acting like a reverse dehumidifier, to further the water-collecting process.

    To make the reclaimed water drinkable, the team incorporated a drinking bladder and an in-line water filter that they bought from a local sports supply shop. The result? A real-world “stillsuit” that lets the wearer drink filtered water repurposed from their own biological waste.

    The wearability and practicality of this suit were put to the test, with team member Darryl Sherk serving as the guinea pig. His verdict on the water’s taste was refreshingly mundane: “Just like water!” although “warm!”

    Despite the excitement surrounding this prototype, some online commenters highlighted the potential health risks, citing concerns over heatstroke if the suit impeded the body’s natural cooling process. However, the team was clear that their creation is very much a Version 1, a proof of concept with room for improvement in balancing water recovery with thermoregulation.

    The comparison to the International Space Station’s recent breakthrough in wastewater recovery is inevitable, where astronauts successfully filtered 98% of their wastewater.

    Relevant articles:
    New ‘Dune stillsuit’ turns breath, sweat, pee into drinking water, Interesting Engineering
    Engineers make ‘Dune stillsuit’ that turns pee, sweat into drinkable water Tech/Gadgets, ResetEra
    Engineers Create Stillsuit That Turns Urine and Sweat Into Drinkable Water; How Can It Preserve and Recycle Moisture From Human Body?, Science Times

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